The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, March 4, 2020

By RBN March 4, 2020 20:59

I’m agreeing, here on March 4, 2020, with Ann Coulter, that Joe Biden is better for us patriots as the DemonRat nominee than would be Bernie Sanders. One aspect of this, not mentioned by Coulter as far as I know, is that Biden’s candidacy keeps all of the logs burning in the Obama fire still burning. Biden brings with him all of the Obama albatrosses, to change metaphors, of the greatest crime against the Presidency in our history. That crime being the treasonous, deliberate, methodical, covert attempt to overthrow our duly-elected patriot president. A Bernie candidacy would provide the guilty DemonRats of the Deep State with a diversionary smokescreen, with a distracting new shiny object to project non-stop through their TV screens. Better Biden than Bernie, I say.

By RBN March 4, 2020 20:59

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