The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, March 6, 2025

By RBN March 6, 2025 21:04

What’s the story with “Attorney General” Pam Bondi? Are we patriots getting the “Bill Barr” treatment again? As of today, March 6, 2025, Bondi is “bragging” that she has so deftly used her power as America’ top law enforcement officer that she has pried “all 200 Jeffrey Epstein documents” out of the FBI. And that these “200 documents” are sitting on her desk. She shows us these 200 documents, all of them redacted, to amaze us! Wow, Pam. Great work! But…..oops…..a patriot notices that all 200 of the “complete Jeffrey Epstein files” have been online, available to everyone. And, in unredacted form! You can’t make this stuff up. Pam Bondi just got caught. Caught lying like a rug to MAGA. And to Trump. So, now she’s switched into damage control mode and assures us that “the FBI is delivering to me” a much bigger load, that will be complete. Don’t hold your breath folks. Don’t hold your breath to ever see even on of the MILLIONS so videos, still photos, or tape recordings that the CIA operation run by the murdered Jeffrey Epstein accumulated. And don’t hold your breath that Attorney General Pam “Bill Barr” Bondi will ever make any actual effort to obtain those millions of items, or to reveal any one of them to the American people. This is why the Deep State pulled out every stop in their sabotage of the Matt Gaetz nomination.

By RBN March 6, 2025 21:04
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