The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, May 12, 2020

By RBN May 12, 2020 21:00

[The first half-hour of the broadcast contains content from Dec. 26, 2019.]

A book that’s sure to be written will be this: “The Best of Trump’s Tweets”. This book will include lots of graphics as they appear now (it’s May 12, 2020), since our President’s use of graphics and video clips is part of the most brilliant running conversation with patriots ever produced. This may even have to be an online book in order to include the thousands of great video clips. Our greatest patriot President has been delivering this running “Fireside Chat” with us for over four years now. Nothing even remotely like it has ever been done. Since we already know that the leftist and nasty lunatics running Twitter are just itching for their first chance to delete everything Trump has written and linked, it is imperative that patriots find some way to archive permanently all of Trump’s Tweets and their linked material. On just a rough, and probably way undercounted, guesstimate of how many Trump Tweets we’re talking about….at 10 tweets (they should be called “messages” which is what they are) per day for over four years we’re looking at over (maybe way over) 12,000 messages from the leader to us, America’s patriots. A “Best of Trump” condensation could leave the reader/viewer with a 1,000-or-so journey through the key four years of American history. Let’s hope it becomes a walk through the 9 key years of our history after a Trump re-election. And then….beyond! Surely Donald Trump will maintain his messaging link to the hundred million-or-so of us patriots who look to him as the greatest leader in our time.

By RBN May 12, 2020 21:00

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