The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, May 7, 2024

By RBN May 7, 2024 21:16

I think I’ve watched almost every Trump mega MAGA rally, Numerous hundreds of them. And attended four of them. In almost every such humongous, roaring rally, Trump uses colorful language to describe the people destroying our country and civilization. And, without exception, the roaring crowd reaction to that colorful language is always the loudest and longest cheering. Leaping to their feet. Spontaneously breaking into chants that surpass anything that ever appeared in American (or world) history. That language is the language that all of us actually speak in our real lives. One of Saul Alinsky’s key “Rules for Radicals” was: “Make the right live by their own rules!” In other words, make them defeat themselves. We “fight” with gloves, and Marquess of Queensbury Rules. And we lose. Over and over. The left fights to win. And they are winning. They now control every American institution. The actual will of the American people is seen by them as nothing but an impediment to their takeover. Trump has done what NO OTHER man in American history has done. He has SPOKEN, including our most angry language, exactly what we have been forbidden, by our own rules up to now, to say. He has SPOKEN, out loud and in public, what we are even forbidden to think. That was exactly what George Orwell was foreseeing in 1984. If today, May 7, 2024, I quoted some actual words of Donald Trump, spoken before hundreds at a very important Mar-A-Lago event, hosted by Donald Trump for very prominent and successful patriot leaders, and if Trump’s actual words offend…then I apologize. But Trump won’t ever apologize, I firmly believe, from now until his last breath. And that’s why he is loved more than any man in our history.

By RBN May 7, 2024 21:16
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