The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, November 8, 2020 Hour 2

By RBN November 8, 2020 19:48

If Trump voter anger rises to a boiling point, where hundreds of thousands of us are at rallies shouting “Stop the Steal”, then it’s possible that a nationwide mass civil disobedience, which would be exercise of the “soap box” could prevent the swearing-in of Biden on Jan. 20.Trump fights on, here on Nov. 8, 2020. Living up to the word he gave us hundreds of times at huge rallies, he will never abandon us. I’m hoping, as are plenty of others, that President Trump (and that’s the title he rightfully wears for all of his days) will almost immediately resume his immense patriot rallies. Even if the DemonRats are able to pull off their theft of the election, a totally-infuriated patriot public that actually DID elect Donald Trump on Nov. 3 will stick with their leader and continue to resist, all the way to another Trump run in 2024. Trump will be the same age as Biden is now, in 2024.

By RBN November 8, 2020 19:48

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