The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, September 16, 2024

By RBN September 16, 2024 21:17

Zelensky’s (and the CIA’s) insane and desperate attack designed to take over the 6 nuclear reactors 40 kilometers west of Kursk may, in its utter abject defeat, have saved all of us from a nuclear World War III. How so, here on Sept. 16, 2024? Because Zelensky and his Victoria Nuland buddies at the CIA risked everything on their insane and evil roll of the dice. They stripped the last remaining fanatical Azov-type troops and the best of the NATO/CIA billions in armament from the previous battlefront and sent them on a suicidal kamikaze run to take over the Kursk reactors. Once there, their utterly evil intent was to blackmail Russia (and the whole world) with the threat of blowing up the six Kursk reactors, which would be ten (or more) times worse than the one reactor at Chernobyl (in Ukraine, by the way) was. Zelensky, Nuland, Sullivan, Blinken, Lindsay Graham and all of the Communists and RINOs have, with this fiasco, utterly wrecked what’s left of the Ukrainian Army and what’s left of several hundred billion dollars’ of armaments paid for by you (and your grandchildren, who at least will now be born).

By RBN September 16, 2024 21:17
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