The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, September 28, 2022

By RBN September 28, 2022 21:00

“WWW III anyone?” That’s how our rightful President messaged today, Sept. 28, 2022 as he watched in stunned disbelief with the rest of us as the hijacked illegitimate regime destroying America destroyed the two gas pipelines 200 feet under the Baltic Sea from Russia to Germany. Only the most vilely evil monsters could wish for nuclear Armageddon with such an insane provocation of nuclear war with a Russia equipped with more nuclear warheads than the rest of the world combined. President Putin has displayed incredible restraint of the humongous defense capabilities of his people. His people, by the way, happen to be OUR people. By far our Russian brothers and sisters are the second-largest European population on Earth. We being the first. By all rights our two peoples should be befriending and defending each other. Who doesn’t want that to happen? Who wants America and Russia to be at war with each other? Easy question. Easy answer…those who viscerally hate our European civilization…the Chinese Communist Party (not the entire Chinese people) and the putrid evil globalist power “elite.” Armageddon mass death is no deterrent to the most evil humans ever to breathe air. Their psychological disposition resembles that of mass murderer/suicides.

By RBN September 28, 2022 21:00
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