The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, September 3, 2024

By RBN September 3, 2024 21:00

What could explain the otherwise mystifying rapid ascent to the controlling positions atop the Democrat Party (aka CPUSA) of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Tim Walz? Biden, who finished 5th in the 2020 New Hampshire primary. Harris, who never got a single vote in the 2020 primaries. And Walz, who is hated in his state of Minnesota, and who is a national nobody. But, all three of these nobodies in America are big somebodies to the Chinese Communist Party, which controls all three. All three are thoroughly corrupted and must do the bidding of their CP paymasters and handlers in the Chinese Communist Central Committee. Tonight, September 3, 2024, we consider the very frightening degree of Chinese Communist control over the inner party of America who control all of us. Until we put a stop to them.

By RBN September 3, 2024 21:00
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