The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, September 6, 2024

By RBN September 6, 2024 21:28

On Sept. 6, 2024, remember the name “Colossus”. Colossus is the name of Elon Musk’s just-unveiled mega-server hosting his brand-new AI, or LLN (Large Learning Model), which he has named GROK. This is great news, for the same reason that his purchase of Twitter (for $44,000,000,000) was wonderful, even saving, for the cause of freedom. Musk, in a hurry, is busting up the monopoly cartel of AI that globalists including Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg have been readying to fully implement Big Brother’s Memory Hole and Newspeak (and Newthink). At maybe $20,000 per computer chip he has bought, 100,000 of them, from Nvidia, Musk has launched (in just 122 days of building it) a facility that uses 1 million gallons of water per day for cooling its GPU’s (Graphic Processing Units). But get this, Musk will double that number over the next couple of months. Right out of the gate, Musk’s operation is the 2nd largest in existence, just behind ChatGPT. He will very quickly become No. 1. Why is this so important? Because Musk has proven that he loves freedom, and he will therefore give us HONEST AI! He just ruined the party for the Gates/Zuckerberg/globalist cabal, all of whose AI operations are totally rigged and corrupt. Thank you, again, Elon!

By RBN September 6, 2024 21:28
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