The WTF Reports with Dave vonKleist, June 25, 2024

By RBN June 25, 2024 14:03
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  1. Joe in Ak. June 25, 22:59

    I too Dave am an Air Force brat, tho as a NATO brat I’d guess, a little more rarified atmosphere! The movie ‘Ice Station Zebra’ bears more than a passing resemblance to dear old dad, who planted an American flag at the North pole in 1952. Before passing in 08 he claimed to have borrowed a plane in 7/47, when he heard the UFO crash at Roswell, and flew himself.there! He said he then refuelled and flew on to Wright Field. His response to Blanchard’s press release was “Butch was an idiot” ! His objective was to quash all talk of UFOs. I’ve never seen one myself but I was a registered believer 13 years prior, on the 50th anniversary! His security clearance was (COSMIC Does not expire). That stands for, coordination of security measures in international command! I think NATO would be more accurately termed Norwegian American Terrorist Oiligarks.if you know of or like mystery spy novelists Eric Ambler I recommend The Intercom Conspiracy. A harder book to find would be Willard Rich, Brainwaves and Death.

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