What Really Happened with Michael Rivero, July 28, 2023 Hour 2

By RBN July 28, 2023 17:06
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  1. Edward July 29, 01:58

    Some very touching words for Mike’s long contribution to our cause. He has been a pillar untouched and now safe to say is largely gone. I think Joe from Tenessee understood this. Many others would have called for shortage of time. We wish you well Mike Rivero aka Mensa Mike. We thank you for your dedication and hard work. We have always loved you!

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  2. Eme July 31, 18:53

    What news can we tune into now? Any suggestions?
    Very sad but wish both Riveros much prosperity.

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  3. Pattsiy August 6, 17:56

    It’s been a good long while and you deserve a break from the mayhem. Do try and sqeeze a few more broadcasts in beforfe it’s too late. You’ve been a Great Force for GOOD !

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