William Repillem’s Punch Bowl, August 2, 2024

By RBN August 2, 2024 22:07

William talks about music and plays some great songs then plays a clip by Pastor Chuck Baldwin that everyone needs to send to their Pastor to help stop the genocide being committed by the Jew and Israhell.

By RBN August 2, 2024 22:07
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  1. Halfjew August 3, 11:23

    You crackers are funny. Your women are being blacked and sterilized, more mud subhumans than ever in the West, you’re going to have a female ruling you and all you cry about is poor Edomite boy rapists that want to wipe you out and rape you just as much as the Jew does.

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  2. Halfjew August 3, 11:37

    You bleeding hearts are more dangerous than the Jews. You will never defeat them. You won’t even try. Muzzies might.
    That’s why you should hope Israel wipes out every palestain so the red ants overun Israel and wipe them out. And hopefully you will be to collapsed by then to even cry your bloody hearts out or lift a finger to help your masters the Jews

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