William Repillem’s Punch Bowl, December 13, 2024

By RBN December 13, 2024 22:01

William has guest and author Kyle McDermott to discuss his book The Declaration of White Independence

By RBN December 13, 2024 22:01
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  1. MaxxNY December 14, 01:51

    America is a stage 4 Jewish cancer. Jews are satanists.

    Crushing the jew in 5 minutes

    Community Blames Mother, not Mohel, for Death from Metzitzah b’Peh putting human blood in your mouth makes you a cannibal

    Never mind they fuck their children in the showers https://www.bishop-accountability.org/news2013/11_12/2013_11_12_Gothamist_UltraorthodoxSex.htm

    That woman Vicky was born into a Jewish family that practice satanism. Listen very very carefully to what she says. This is why Jews engage in endless warfare in the Middle East. Warfare is a great cover for rape and cannibalism Youll love this – “cannibalism” https://youtu.be/VTQVmac5ItY?si=UZEmrFSKOmn16iV7

    Make your son’s doctor’s so they make take Christian’s lives

    Five rabbis are among those arrested for their alleged involvement in a huge money-laundering scheme, including the trafficking of human body parts, as a result of a 10-year investigation by the FBI in New Jersey.

    Circumcision and The cutting of the flesh is against Torah

    Never mind they engage in human sacrifice and harvest organs. https://maxxny.substack.com/p/organ-donation-is-ritual-human-sacrifice?r=2iukak

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