William Repillem’s Punch Bowl, September 20, 2024

By RBN September 20, 2024 22:05

William has Blackbird9 on to discuss corporate enforcement of Talmudic Law via BlackRock and the WEF. Plays some clips from Larry Fink and Yuval Harari who say ‘You have to control behaviors’ via the corporatacracy. and ‘humans are hackable animals’, then a clip from Candace Owens and her nemesis PoS Goblin Sex Pervert Rabbi Schmuley.

Then Blackbird tells us where to find the info on the pipe Israel has built to send all our information to themselves illegally spying on us.

By RBN September 20, 2024 22:05
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1 Comment

  1. blackbird9 September 20, 23:04

    Flashback 2009 – The Late Great Anthony Lawson and Mr. Jeff Gates

    “Criminal State – A Closer Look at Israel’s Role in Terrorism”

    Part 1 of 3:

    Part 2 of 3:

    Part 3 of 3:


    Flashback December 12, 2001 – Israel Spying on America – Carl Cameron Investigates

    Connect the Dotz, See the Pattern

    Connect the Patterns, See the System Dynamics! 🤣

    – bb9

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