Yours Truly Mer with Mer Bailey, August 25, 2024 Hour 1

By RBN August 25, 2024 20:16
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  1. Edward August 25, 20:20

    Excellent show Mer. Thoroughly enjoyed it. You and Sam make a great team.

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  2. merbailey August 25, 22:48 more with callers/about the liberty… see november 12, 2023 and november 19, 2023 for four more hours about the liberty and abe fortas long planned operation cyanide/attack, a precursor to ww3 with egypt

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  3. Edward August 26, 06:24

    Ms. Mer, please tell Mr. Stars to act more like a radio show host and to let his guest talk rather than him talking over them to promote his views. Terrible scene.

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  4. kati August 26, 07:07

    Elon Musk ist Jude, wie auch seine Mutter und Grossmutter, beide Ashkenazi, easy to research… and never trust a jew never trust Elon, he is playing good cop bad cop with all people, look how he has time to livestream diablo 4, a game, the richest frontman on the planet is able to livestream a game, sure, its all an illusion, he is not the richest besides he is frontman for darpa to sell starlink neuralink etc, typical jew, he never worked physical he only lives like a parasite in our society

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  5. Bob August 29, 01:54

    Hi, Mer. Really liked your show last week covering Mr. Duke and his discussion with AJ. I listened to it when it happened. I’ve always liked DD, but had to stop listening to him for a while because he wasn’t much for letting others talk when he had guests on which I thought was rather rude. But as I’ve learned more I find that I am more sympathetic to him in that I have so much knowledge that I want to share that I have a hard time shutting up my own dang self. Anyway, was listening to you and your guest this week and thought I heard him mention Farren in passing? Was he referring to Farren Shoaf? And if so, is he back on the air? He was one of my favorite podcaster’s until he stepped down from his show. If he has started another show I’d like to know so I can give it a listen. Thanks!!

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